Sunday, June 8, 2008

Back on Track- Principle of True Healing Part 3


Goal: Improve oxygen levels, fuel the brain with proprioception (movement sensation), create incredible strength, speed, balance, & coordination, reduce injuries, improve posture & immune levels, while burning through fat & getting ripped in just minutes a day. Sound good…then enter into the world of Maximized Living.

Human Growth Hormone: The Natural Anti-Aging Element: No Supplements Required

Renowned for its ability to stimulate muscle development, bone growth, & fuel immune activity while switching your body into a potent fat burner. Growth hormone is secreted in abundant amounts when certain conditions are present such as a pure & sufficient body free of neurotoxic sludge, an optimal functioning nervous system, alkaline diet, low stress, & good sleeping habits

Surge Training: By far, engaging in short time period, high intensity exercise is the most potent way to stimulate a large HGH response.

Burst Essentials: (Cycling, walking hills, run-walk, elliptical, swimming, rowing, etc.)
1. Warm-Up: Begin with a 5-10 minute light warm-up (walking, jogging, etc.)
2. SURGE A 20 second intense surge…followed by a 20 second light movement period
3 reps through and then a 2 minute light movement period
3 sets of this same circuit = 3 total minutes of high-intensity training
5. Cool-Down: 5-10 minutes of light activity

Resistance Training: 10 - 20 minutes – high intensity

1. Go Big: Build Muscle & Burn Fat: Large muscle group exercises give the best hormonal response: (push-ups, pull-ups, dips, squats, lunges, deadlifts, bent-over rows). Ladies – don't worry – you won't get muscle bound, you'll have the ideal tone you want.

2. Compound Sets: Balance your muscle groups:
Do an exercise for the front of your body (push-up) – immediately counter with an exercise for the back of your body (bent-over row)

3. Short-Rest Periods: Creates the high-intensity release of hormonal factors that will build muscle & bone, while blasting through fat.

Functional Fitness: Create the balance, coordination & skill to live at a higher level

1. Core-Stability Training: Incorporate resistance training exercises that challenge your core (the movement center of your body) in a balanced, dynamic fashion

2. Balance Training: Feed your brain with rampant amounts of proprioception while creating powerful ankles, knees, & hips that are resistant to sprains, strains, awkward falls & landings.

3. Posture Perfect: Improve your spinal integrity, breathing dynamics, & energy levels with specific neurological exercises to correct dangerous posture & nervous system dysfunctions such as forward head posture & loss of cervical curve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, feed the brain . Great for patients

-La Starza