Thursday, November 8, 2007

What Would You Do For Your Child?

Today's post is going to be a bit different. Matt is out of town taking his Chiropractic Board Exams so I'm taking the liberty of writing a post from my perspective. Instead of quoting all the scientific facts and research, I"m gonna be a girl, and write from my heart.

Most of you out there will probably agree that if you are a parent or are going to be a parent in the future that you want what is best for your kids. You would agree that there are very few lengths that you wouldn't go to ensure that your kids live a healthy, happy life. You would also agree that you want the best chance for your family to reach it's God-Given potential. And, yet, most of us are not allowing this to happen. Without even realizing it, most children are behind the eight ball before they're even a week old, and they'll never have the opportunity to reach their maximum potential.
For all the frustrating times that we see people not get it; not grasp that they can do something to help their families, something that's non-invansive, affordable, and life-changing, there's a story of families that get it. And, those are the stories that remind me it's possible to make a difference.
Here's one such story. Gary & Lorilee are from Atlanta. They were adopting a baby that was going to be born in Florida. So, when they got the call in the middle of the night, three weeks early, that the bioglogical mom was going into labor, they hopped in the car and made the 6 hour drive to Florida. The baby was born in Ocala, FL on Sunday 11/4/07 (for those of you that don't know, it's up near Gainesville, a good hour and a half from Orlando). Gary & Lorilee have been educated chiropractic patients themselves and wanted their baby adjusted by a principled chiropractor as soon as possible. Since the baby wasn't born in their hometown, they couldn't go to their regular chiropractor. Instead of just waiting a couple of weeks until they got back home, they looked for one that would take care of them right away.

In order to accomplish this, they made the drive to Orlando, to Dr. Erik Lerner's office (where Matt and I are working) so that he could give baby Jonah his first adjustment at just four days old. Now that's someone who gets it. Someone who has trust in one of the best chiropractor's in the world. Someone who knows that through Dr. Erik's adjustment, God will work in baby Jonah's body and will open up the opportunity for him to reach his maximum potential.

Would you do that for your family??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have met all the learners in Orlando!