In order for your body to heal and function properly it MUST be communicating with the brain without any interference in the nervous system. I recently did a backpack safety talk to a class of second graders and the first question I posed was "What organ controls all funtions in the body?" It didn't take long before every hand in the room was up because they ALL knew the answer....the BRAIN!!!
However, as we get older we tend to forget this obvious truth because of the bombardment of lies from the current medical model that tells us that we can only achieve health by taking the latest pill, vaccination, or doing the latest diet or exercise plan. This is simply NOT true. God put all the information in our brain for our body to heal properly and as long as that information is not interfered with somewhere down the line, then our body will heal and function the way that it was designed.
Let me explain. In order for your brain to communicate with your organs, muscles, skin, eyes, etc. it must send messages back and forth through the nervous system. Our nervous system is composed of the spinal cord and the nerves that come from the spinal cord. These nerves that come out of the spinal cord connect to every organ, tissue, and cell in our entire body. Our nervous system is so fragile and delicate that it must be protected. In fact, the only two organs in our entire body that are completely encased in a hard covering (bone) are the brain and the spinal cord. As long as there is no damage to the nervous system, then the brain can communicate its messages properly and the body will function and heal optimally.
Here's the kicker:
The bones of the spine are individual, moveable segments. Therefore, if moved out of there proper position, those bones can put a damaging pressure on that delicate nervous tissue. That pressure on the nervous system is termed SUBLUXATION. Subluxation is a damaging, degenerative condition of the nervous system that interferes with the brain-body connection. If left uncorrected, subluxation can begin to shut down the nervous system energy to the organs, tissues, and cells of the body.
For example, if subluxation was found to be putting pressure on the nerve that goes to your heart, your heart would not be functioning properly. You may have heart arrythmias, murmurs, or a rapid heart beat as the first signs/symptoms. However, if that subluxation is not corrected for years then the interference will begin to destroy the cells of the heart and cause the heart to begin to malfunction. As the heart malfunctions, heart disease begins to ensue which eventually leads to a heart attack. Heart attacks lead to heart tissue death. Heart tissue death leads to heart failure which will kill you.
That's the seriousness of having a properly working nervous system. This is literally the missing link in health care and disease prevention. The best thing about this philosophy for health and disease prevention is that it is in perfect alignment with Biblical healing (laying of hands) and the principles of health set forth by God.
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Aligning your health with God's intentions,