Thursday, October 25, 2007

Know anyone with kids diagnosed with ADD/ADHD?

Is ADD/ADHD a hoax? Read this article to find out how simply this "disease" can be treated by supplementation with no side effects at all.
Live Life. Love People. Serve God.


Omega-3 supplements rapidly eliminate ADD, ADHD and bipolar disorder in children
by Mike Adams
Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital have reported that omega-3 fatty acid is highly effective in treating children with ADD, ADHD and bipolar disorder. The study was reported in the journal European Neuropsychopharmacology in February 2007."Results from this prospective, open study of monotherapy with omega-3 fatty acids in the over-the-counter product OmegaBrite suggest that manic symptoms can be rapidly reduced in youths with BPD with a safe and well-tolerated nutritional supplement," wrote lead researcher Dr. Janet Wozniak.
The high-EPA supplement of Omega-3 fatty acids, called OmegaBrite, was tested for effectiveness and safety on 20 boys and girls with bipolar disorder, ages 6 to 17 years old, over an eight-week period. Half of the participants experienced a rapid 30 percent reduction in symptoms with no side effects."What this study shows is that every child with ADD, bipolar or any other mood disorder should be on OmegaBrite," said Dr. John Ratey, author of the best-selling Driven to Distraction and a well-respected expert on ADD. "And the only side effect is a longer life." "This is great news for parents," said Dr. Carol Locke, who served on the Harvard Medical School faculty for 14 years before creating OmegaBrite. "Parents are always struggling with how best to help their children.
It is incredibly gratifying to develop a product that offers a safe mood stabilizer and natural anti-depressant."The study demonstrated that supplements reduced the participating children's Young Mania Rating Scale scores (YMRS) -- the standard rating scale for children with bipolar disorder -- by 30 percent.
The same research team conducted a similar study with risperidone or olanzapine, the two most commonly prescribed drugs for the disorder. The pharmaceuticals treated the children's disorders but led to side effects including diabetes.Other commonly prescribed drugs such as lithium, divalproex and carbamazepine are only minimally effective or fraught with adverse effects, the researchers noted."EPA and DHA are essential fatty acids that the body cannot make so we must obtain them in our diet, which is very hard to do, or by supplements," said Locke. "An imbalance of omega-6 and omega-3 can result in an overall inflammatory response and related disorders such as depression, cardiac disease, cancer, dementia, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis."Locke concluded, "Over the next five years, we will see Omega-3 fatty acids become a foundation of health."
ADHD is a fictitious disease invented by the pharmaceutical industry to sell amphetamine drugs to children.
The conventional medical industry doesn't want to talk about nutritional cures for diseases or disorders because they know that if consumers were made aware of how simply and inexpensively these conditions could be resolved with nutrition, sales of pharmaceuticals would plummet. Symptoms of ADHD are easily eliminated in 80 percent of children within two weeks by merely supplementing with omega-3 oils and eliminating processed foods (especially refined sugars) from kids' diets.The psychiatric industry does not promote nutrition as a method for preventing or treating depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD or other mental or behavioral conditions. Instead, it works to keep consumers ignorant of such solutions and pretends that these diseases are caused by "brain chemistry imbalances" that can only be corrected with synthetic patented chemicals (pharmaceuticals).
Essentially, modern psychiatry believes that all such disorders are caused by a pharmaceutical deficiency. This belief conveniently serves the profit motives of the drug companies which now virtually run modern psychiatry.

Information about OmegaBrite can be found at

If we were eating the foods that were designed and intended for our bodies in the first place, there would never be an imbalance of the essential fatty acids, thus ADD/ADHD would not exist and there would be no reason for omega-3 supplementation. However, since we live in a broken world there are nutritional imbalances that must be supplemented. The fact that our food sources are no longer viable resources for the amount of nutrition that we need places a NEED for these supplements to restore balance and harmony on the cellular level.

Aligning your health with God's intentions,


Friday, October 12, 2007

The Principle of True Healing Part I of IV

In order for your body to heal as God intended it too, there are some issues that must be addressed. TIME magazine came out with an article that interviewed doctors at the top 100 hospitals throughout the country and asked them "What scares you most about our current healthcare system?" The most common answer was...."BEING THE PATIENT!!!" If that doesn't raise your eyebrows, then I don't know what will. After reading the article, I realized that the doctors struggled with putting faith in the exact same system that they were putting people through every single day. They were scared to death to bring themselves or their family members through the current medical system. Why? Because the current medical model is only interested in treating symptoms. It is not interested in curing disease.

Two weeks after the TIME article, Business Week published an article titled "Medical Guesswork." This article highlighted the details of how the medical profession and the way they treat disease and illness is not even an exact science. In fact, researchers claimed that only 15% of medical treatments are backed by solid research, while the other 85% of treatments are just based on rules and traditions. Furthermore, the article stated that Medical doctors are being taught their continuing education hours by the pharmaceutical companies. Do you think the pharmaceutical companies have YOUR best interest in mind? I can assure you they do NOT. They are only interested in treating your symptoms enough to make you feel better so that the REAL cause of your illness/disease will be masked until it gets to the point that you need another medication, test, or surgery. They do not want to CURE you! There is no money in cures for them.

However, there is MAJOR money in treating symptoms and keeping people sick. Think about it. When you get started on a medication, does the doctor ever tell you...."Ok, we will have to put you on this medication because it will save your life and make you feel better for now, but there is a deeper issue here that we need to start addressing so that your body will function the way that it is supposed to."??? They NEVER say this. They are only interested in treating your symptoms. Do you think God intened for us to NEED medications in order to be comfortable and sustain life? The answer is a resounding NO.

In fact, 95%-97% of the "diseases" treated by the medical profession are due to lifestyle issues that were completely preventable in the first place. Some of these completely preventable "diseases" include but are not limited too....heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, alzeheimer's, crohn's, IBS, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, low back pain, headaches, restless leg syndrome, depression, etc.

The point of this whole post boils down to the 1st Principle of Healing:

- You MUST remove yourself from the medical model

- Medications are poisonous and will kill you

- If medications MUST be used, they should be used short term only, until the true cause is determined

- This "magic pill" philosophy is an outside-in philosophy that falsely claims that our bodies need synthetic man-made chemicals/vaccines/medications in order to function properly

- The medical model of health is in DIRECT contradiction to what true health and healing is

- Your body cannot heal properly with synthetic, poisonous chemicals destroying your health at a cellular level



Aligning your health with God's intentions,


Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I just sent this article out to all my family and friends to ensure they were reminded of the dangers of vaccinations before the "flu season" comes around again this year. Research has shown for quite some time now that vaccinations are very dangerous and this article just further supports that perspective. Check out earlier postings to see how to build your immunity and your body's ability to heal and function at its highest potential naturally without falling prey to the lies of the Big Pharmaceutical companies. You do NOT have to vaccinate!

Click the link below for the article...



Aligning your health with God's intentions,


Monday, October 8, 2007

Are you an Optimist or a Pessimist? The Answer may effect your health!

Check out this research from the book "Emotional Intelligence":

A research study was done with 122 men who had experienced their first heart attack and were then evaluated on their degree of optimism or pessimism. Eight years later, of the 25 most pessimistic men, 21 had died; of the 25 most optimistic just 6 had died.

Optimism and hope provide healing power to overcome even the most adverse situations like heart disease in the example above. How you react emotionally will have broad consequences for your immediate and future health.

Getting your physical stress (subluxations) removed will greatly improve your body’s ability to function and heal. Naturally, less physical stress will lead to a more positive outlook on life.
Did you know that anxiety and stress lead to a direct reduction in immune function, decreasing the body’s ability to fight disease?
A Yale study linked stress to the following:
  • increased vulnerability to viral infections (decreased immune function)
  • increased plaquing of the arteries (heart disease)
  • accelerating diabetes
  • triggering or worsening asthma attacks
  • stomach or intestinal ulcers
  • decreased memory
  • many others

Do YOU know anyone suffering from these? They MUST get their nervous system interferences removed! It is crucial to their survival. Join us in our mission to save lives through preventative health care. Remember, if your friends and family are waiting until they get sick before they do something about their health they are living in the medical model. This medical model is allowing 5 of 6 of our dear loved ones to die of heart disease or cancer. YOU must take responsibility and educate yourself about TRUE health and healing.



Aligning your health with God's intentions,



Allow me to introduce the all natural health blog with the latest and most up to date information about true healing. I promise to always put the most accurate and current health information that will lead you to peak performance from your body.

The basic philosophy behind A.D.I.O. Health is the Above-Down-Inside-Out principle most commonly used by chiropractors. This ADIO principle states that there is an amazing power within our brain and nervous system that has the ability to heal the body of all sickness, illness, and disease. As long as this amazing power is able to express itself fully without interference, then the body will be able to function at peak performance with the ability to defeat MOST invaders without any symptoms. In the case that there is a strong enough attack on the body that the nervous system cannot adjust to the invaders before symptoms occur, the body will be able to recover much quicker with a healthy nervous system compared to the recovery of a nervous system with interference.

Interference is defined as thoughts, traumas, or toxins which negatively effect the brain and nervous system. These interferences then block the healing power of the brain and nervous system from fully reaching its potential, thus compromising the health of the individual. When we remove these interferences from the body, the nervous system is again able to resume it's role of healing to its full potential.

After all, the Power that Made the Body, HEALS the body!


Aligning your health with God's Intentions,
